

Useful articles

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Things,You must know about laptop safety.

- Accidental damage is the #1 cause of loss

- Theft is number two, closely followed by power surges

- Manufacturer's warranties do not protect you from accidental damage

- While some manufacturers now offer minimalist "damage-only" protection, they still DO NOT offer protection from, theft, vandalism, power surge, and natural disasters.

- Our policies will not only provide coverage overseas and while in transit, but also domestically while in the US.

- Most homeowners and renters insurance policies will not cover you for perils that our policies WILL cover you for. Such perils include Accidental Damage, Power Surge, and Vandalism.

- We do not depreciate the value of covered property during claims settlement. Replacement cost is based on like kind and quality equipment available on the retail market at the time of the loss

- Laptop Computers

- Tablet Computers

- Desktop Computers

- Scanners

- Printers

- Graphic tablets

- External Hard Drives

- Servers

Here are some ways to take better care of your computer:

- Only use approved laptop carrying cases.

- Don't put your laptop in a bag with heavy items such as books.

- Keep liquids away from your system!

- Do not leave your equipment unattended.

- Extreme temperatures, whether hot or cold, can damage your computers components. Keep your computer at a controlled climate.

- When charging your laptop, keep the AC adapter's cord out of walkways. Damaged adapters and ports can also lead to systemboard damage.

- Do not leave your equipment visible in your automobile.

- A quality surge protector can help prevent damage from power surge.

- Utilize an anti-theft device, such as a security cable or a personalized identification plate.

- Backup the data on your hard drive on a regular basis.

- School's about to begin! Make sure you call us ahead of time to insure your student's new laptop computer.

- Study abroad programs are about to begin. Our Global Policy will insure your student's laptop as well as any personal items!

- We now offer coverage for high-end tablet computers! Protect your investment and enroll with Safeware.

- We appreciate your business. If there is someone you know who may benefit from the insurance we offer, please spread the word

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